Jaime Starling

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Jaime’s Flock: My coop started when I found five hens dumped in my backyard. The last of those original girls died last year, but I honor them by taking in rescues and letting them live their lives whether or not they lay eggs. They always provide excellent ‘Chicken TV!’ Currently in the coop are Waffles, Lyndale, Harper, Granta, Twyla, Bonnie McMurray, and technically my preteen neighbor’s pet chicken, Hennessey. 

More About Jaime: When not being a Chicken Tender or ‘Unlicensed Chicken Surgeon’, I’m selling books wholesale, which means I dream in spreadsheets. I have an old mansion in North Minneapolis with the coop, a garden, two honey crisp trees (I make scrumpy from the apples), a dog, two cats, and the odd human or two or three renting a room. Originally a Central Californian with schooling in San Francisco and London, I’m still an insufferable Dodgers fanatic but also a big supporter of the Lynx and the Loons.